• Quae

Recommendations for curing and storage

To avoid the development of micro-organisms causing rot or mould during curing and storage the following recommendations should be followed:

 - Avoid harvesting green leaves that are still wet;
 - Handle the leaves gently to avoid bruising;
 - Do not leave the harvested leaves too long in field and protect them from sunburn;
 - Do not overfill curing barns and kilns, assure a good air flow;
 - Closely monitor the evolution of tobacco quality, temperature and moisture content in curing barns or kilns;
 - Disinfect curing barns and kilns, and storage rooms, especially if significant losses were recorded;
 - Remove plant debris in and around barns and storage areas;
 - Keep the bales in a dry, dark place and avoid putting them in contact with soil

Last change : 02/04/13
  • Author :
  • D Blancard (INRA)
Figure 1
Figure 2