• Quae

Preventive Measures

Avoid short rotations with known host crops (colza, tobacco…). Tobacco crop should be privileged every 4 years
Management of weeds is important
: avoid fallowing because many weeds are also hosts, thus allowing survival and increase of broomrape. The main weeds parasitised by broomrape are: amaranth, common groundsel, lambsquarters, field bindweed, black mustard, shepherd's purse, wild radish, spurge harvest, the couch grass, oats, switchgrass, the high ammi, poppy, clover, prostrate knotweed and persicaria maculosa, common purslane, and nightshade.
Tools should be cleaned carefully after being used in an infested plot to avoid spread by agricultural equipment. During a heavy infestation, it is advisable to work on this plot last.
On harvested Burley plots :
Use soil tools after harvest. With mechanical tools you can separate the broomrape from tobacco before Orobanche finishes its cycle and seed production. If the broomrape is in an advanced stage of development, one should accelerate its decline by applying a high amount of glyphosate.
- On Virginia plots under harvest :
Systematically apply Perlot for inhibition, at a rate of 12l/ha, at the recommended stage of development. Viability of Orobanche seeds present in the flower spikes at the time of treatment will be reduced.

Last change : 03/01/13
  • Author :
  • D Blancard (INRA)
Figure 1
Figure 2