• Quae

Protection Methods

- During cultivation


When the disease occurs in traditional seedbeds, unfortunately there is nothing to do except eliminate heavily infected plants.

In floating seedbeds, the development of Olpidium brassicae and other chytrid fungi sometimes seems to be related to a decrease of water amount present in the trays. If the water level has not been adjusted as and when evaporation losses occur, the remaining solution becomes stagnant with a low oxygen level. In this case, water must be added. It would be interesting to study the impact of aeration of nutrient solutions on the development of these fungi.


It was observed that seedlings having suffered of a partial loss of roots in floating seedbeds did not show problems when transplanted in the field if the growing conditions were good.


- Next crop


In traditional nurseries, disinfection of the soil with a fumigant may be considered. The addition of certain non-ionic wetters in the nutrient solution of floating seedbeds may partly eradicate the zoospores of Olpidiumbrassicae.


We advise you to use the recommended Protection Methodes in the section of Nursery and planting diseases.

Last change : 04/18/13
  • Author :
  • D Blancard (INRA)