Final diagnosis

Predatory bugs

<em> Deraeocoris ruber </em> adult, Miridae bug predatory of pests such as aphids, psyllids, mites, etc.  <strong> Biological control </strong>
<b> <em> Rhynocoris iracundus </em> </b>, Reduvidae bug, whose powerful rostrum allows it to hunt hard-coated prey such as beetles on the lookout.
Pupal stage of the predatory bug <em> Deraeocoris ruber </em>
<i> Malacocoris chlorizans </i> is a small bug (3-4 mm) Miridae, present on deciduous trees and particularly on hazel.  This green-winged bug feeds on mites, aphids and leafhoppers.  (delicate apple capsid)
<em> Geocoris erythrocephalus </em> is a fairly frequent predator of mites in hot regions.
Bug of the genus <em> Nabis </em>, the body is elongated and rather dull in color.
<em> Himacerus mirmicoides </em> in the last pupal stage.  This bug at this point looks like an ant.
Predatory bug of the genus <em> Anthocoris </em>.
<em> Zicrona caerulea </em> is a metallic blue colored Pentatomidae bug that feeds on small insects.  Photo V. Lefebvre (