Final diagnosis

Flatide pruineux

Presence of larvae of Metcalfa pruinosa on stalks in July, note the presence of ants feeding on the honeydew excreted by the insects.  <strong> Pruinose flatid </strong>
The adult of <em> Metcalfa pruinosa </em> has greyish, somewhat powdery wings, arranged in a roof over the body.  <strong> Pruinose Faltid </strong>
5th instar of <em> Metcalfa pruinosa </em>. <strong> Pruinose Flatid </strong> **
Cymph nymphose of <em> Neodryinus typhlocybae </em>, parasitic of <em> Metcalfa pruinosa </em>.
Cocoon of <em> Neodryinus typhlocybae </em>, we note the white remainder of the larva of <em> Metcalfa pruinosa </em> parasitized by the hymenoptera.
Adult male of <em> Neodryinus typhlocybae </em>, note the characteristic venation of Dryinidae of the fore wings as well as the thick antennae.