• Quae

Ecology and Epidemiology

- Survival and virus reservoirs

The host range of tobacco etch virus (TEV) is relatively limited. It affects several other solanaceous crops (potato, pepper, tomato), petunia, and various weeds (Solanum nigrum, Solanum carolense, Datura stramonium, Chenopodium album, Physalis spp., etc.) which ensure its survival during the winter.

- Transmission and dissemination

At least a dozen species of aphids are likely to transmit TEV in a non-persistent manner. Myzus persicae, the green peach aphid, seems to be one of the most frequent vectors and most common in temperate regions. The virus is quickly acquired by the vector, within  a few seconds, and a small number of viral particles are sufficient for efficient transmission. However, transmission by aphids requires the presence in the infected cells of a protein of viral origin: an assistant factor or a "helper component". Only viral particles obtained in the presence of this factor are retained in the maxillary stylets and can be transmitted. This virus is not known to be transmitted with seed.

Last change : 02/14/13
  • Author :
  • D Blancard (INRA)