• Quae

Protection Methods 

- During cultivation 


Similar to the case of viruses, there is no method to control phytoplasma during cultivation. An infected plant will remain infected throughout its lifecycle. 
Given the length of the latency period, it is unlikely to observe symptoms on seedlings in the nursery. If symptoms are observed in the seedlings then, they should not be planted.
Next crop
In countries where attacks occur in the nursery (this is not the case in France), it is necessary to protect the plants. The best solution is to use agrotextiles (unwoven fabrics, mesh) that will form a mechanical barrier more efficient than the use of insecticides. The efficiency of insecticides is somewhat controversial. Although  a number of insecticides is  very efficient against leafhoppers, they often do not prevent infections. For more information see also the page about how to control leafhoppers (Hyalesthes obsoletus)
Careful weeding of nurseries, plots and their surroundings (border hedges and paths) should be made to eliminate the weeds mentionned above and especially buckwheat and black nightshade (figure 1). Tobacco crops should not be placed near other susceptible crops such as tomato, potato, pepper ...
Currently there is no tobacco variety resistant to the phytoplasma, the causal agent of stolbur of Solanaceae. Given the difficulties of handling phytoplasmas  in laboratory conditions and its hazardous nature in field, it is difficult to imagine a breeding program. The rise of molecular biology has opened up fabulous perspectives to control  viruses and certainly also phytoplasmas. Likely, in the future, plants tolerant or resistant to phytoplasmas will be obtained.

Last change : 04/22/13
  • Author :
  • D Blancard (INRA)
Figure 1